Diagnosis and Monitoring Involve Symptomology as Well as Lab Values1,2


  • Serum calcium: levels below the lower limits of normal range confirmed on ≥ 2 measures help establish the diagnosis1*†
  • Serum PTH: low or inappropriately normal levels (ie, < 20 pg/mL) in the presence of hypocalcemia on ≥ 2 measures help establish the diagnosis1,2†
  • Serum phosphate: levels in the upper normal or obviously elevated range may be helpful in diagnosis and evaluation1
  • 24-hour urinary calcium excretion: used along with estimated or calculated GFR and biochemical nephrolithiasis risk profile (if clinically warranted)1

Additional Evaluations

  • Patient-reported outcome measures1,3
  • Medical and family history1
  • Physical examination1
  • Target-organ imaging1
  • Genetic testing1‡

Guidelines recommend performing target-organ imaging, such as a renal ultrasound and a CT scan, at diagnosis and regularly throughout the course of the disease.3