
Hypoparathyroidism Is Characterized by the Absence or Deficiency of Parathyroid Hormone1,2

PTH Under Normal Physiologic Conditions1

PTH regulates calcium and phosphate levels in the bones, kidneys, and intestines, and may affect cognition1

of the circulating PTH in healthy subjects is secreted in a continuous manner4,5

normal pth functions
normal pth functions

Pathophysiology of Hypoparathyroidism1,3

The absence or deficiency of PTH results in1,3,10:

  • Inhibition of calcitriol (active vitamin D) synthesis in the kidneys
    • Leading to the indirect effect of reduced calcium absorption in the intestines
  • Disruption of calcium/phosphate balance
  • Reduced physical functioning and well-being
pathophysiology of hypopara
pathophysiology of hypopara
Watch Mechanism of Disease video

Effects of Hypoparathyroidism on Renal Function6-8

renal impact of hypopara
  • The renal dysfunction associated with hypoparathyroidism results in downstream complications, including hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hypercalciuria1,6,7

PTH Deficiency Leads to Reduced Bone Turnover2

skeletal manifestions of hypopara control group


skeletal manifestions of hypopara


Reprinted from Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, 54(2), Rubin MR, Bilezikian JP, Hypoparathyroidism: clinical features, skeletal microstructure and parathyroid hormone replacement, 220-226, Copyright 2010, with permission from Elsevier.

Micro-CT images of trabecular bone from a patient with hypoparathyroidism and a control subject: Note the higher trabecular bone volume, number, and thickness in the image labeled Hypoparathyroidism.9

PTH deficiency disrupts1,2:

  • Physiological access to calcium reservoirs in the bone
  • The regulation of osteoclast and osteoblast activity
  • Bone remodeling, leading to hypermature bone that may be more prone to fractures